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0 Kč - 50 000 000 Kč

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0 Kč - 100 000 Kč

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Výsledky vyhledávání

Latest Properties

These are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.

Listings available for rent

These are the latest properties in the Rentals category displayed using the latest properties slider shortcode (we show only 6 items, but you can show more)

Our Portfolio

Highlight the best of your properties by using the List Category shortcode. You can list categories, types, cities, areas and states of your choice.

0 Listings

0 Listings

0 Listings

0 Listings

0 Listings


You can use the theme places shortcode to list specific cities or areas where you have properties ready to sale/rent.

0 Listings

0 Listings

0 Listings

0 Listings

0 Listings

Featured properties

Here are four listings that are displayed using the featured property shorcode. Use this shortcode when you have some special listings to showcase.

Our agents

With the “list agents shortcode” you can show your agents in any page, alognside with their contact details and link to their agent profile.
user image

Agent 007

Realitní kancelář Roman

Contact us

Engage with our professional real estate agents to sell, buy or rent your home.  Get emails directly to your inbox and manage the lead with theme built-in CRM. 

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